Christmas Disco – Reminder to book tickets in advance

Please remember tickets for the Christmas Disco must be booked in advance by Sunday 15th December.
Ticket link:
Booking site will close SUNDAY 15TH DECEMBER at midnight.

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2024

After half term, there will be a selection of items on sale within school. Please see below a list of the items and their suggested donations –

Poppy – minimum donation of 20p

Reflective Poppy – 50p

Snap band rulers – £1.00

Wristbands – £1.00

Fluffy Bug – 50p

Pencil Sharpener – £1.00

Each day, some our year 6 pupils will visit every class with the items. If your child wishes to purchase any of the above items, they must bring the money with them to school.  Items cannot be purchased from the school office.

Please ensure that your child brings the correct money as change cannot be given.

Thank you.

Message from Friends of Myddle School

Dear Friends & Parents of Myddle School
We are reaching the time of year where we should start planning the Myddle Muddle Run. This has been a huge fundraiser for the school and brings in a substantial amount of funds that allows us to fund things like the buses for the pantomime, year 6 leavers trips and resources for the classroom.
I stepped in last year to keep this very popular local event going but as my children near the end of their time at Myddle it really needs someone to take it on or sadly it may cease to happen.
I am fully prepared to work closely with the new race director and do a full handover. Last year we had a brilliant dedicated team that were able to contribute and do so many jobs that helps spread the effort …..without whom it would never have happened.
Please have a think whether you might be the next person…..or if you know another parent at the school who might be able/willing to take this on.
As soon as we have a volunteer we will be able to kick start the planning, pick a date and start the process.
For those of you who don’t know about the event or would just like a bit more detail please do not hesitate to contact me on 07983344822
Look forward to hearing from someone 😁
Rebecca Sparks

Secondary Application deadline – 31 October 2024

The closing date for secondary applications is 31 October 2024 which falls in the half-term holidays. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to submit an application as soon as possible but before the deadline date. This will ensure that if you encounter any problems, you can be supported/helped and to submit your application on time. There is no grace period for late applications. The link for the website is – Transferring to secondary school | Shropshire Council


The School Admissions Team strongly encourage parents to name three preferences, particularly if you reside in the Shrewsbury area.  Please see the Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire Booklet for further information.  The link to the document is Parents’ guide to education | Shropshire Council


If you have already made an application and wish to add additional preferences please contact

School Pick Up Today

In light of the heavy rain today, we would like to offer parents the option to collect children early, if necessary.  If you wish to come early, please head to school reception and we will sign your children out.

Football Club – Cancelled – Wednesday 16th October

We are very sorry Football Club is cancelled due to the heavy rain today.  A catch up session will be organised, we will confirm the date shortly.

School Christmas Disco

Introducing our Christmas disco. All year groups are welcome, however due to a change in the format and timings, we can no longer invite Snow Leopard children.

Booking is ESSENTIAL! Tickets can be booked via this link 👇
Alternatively you can book your tickets via the school office.
A drink and snack will be provided, so there will be no tuck shop.
If your child is booked into Little Angels but will be coming along to the disco, please inform Little Angels staff so that your child can be brought along to the hall and picked up when necessary.
The disco will be taking place on Christmas jumper day, so children will be dressed and ready for the occasion – no changes of clothes necessary!

If you have any questions please contact a member of the PTA 😊

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