News from the Parenting Team at Shropshire Council

The Parenting Team will be delivering free Understanding Your Child and Understanding Your Child SEND groups from April 2024 (poster attached).

These 10 week groups aim to:

•             Promote understanding of children’s behaviour within the context of developmental issues

•             Promote the development of parent/child relationship

•             Increase confidence and self-esteem in both parents and children

•             Give parents a strategy for repair when things go wrong

•             Promote reflective, sensitive and effective parenting

UYC & SEND Groups Summer Term 24 (2) (1)


They will also be offering a free SLEEP TIGHT workshop from April and June 2024 (poster attached).

These 5 week workshops cover:

•             Recognising the role of sleep hygiene to improve sleep

•             Identifying causes of sleep issues and appropriate practical strategies to try

•             Completing sleep diaries and identifying potential sleep issues

Sleep Tight Workshop Summer Term 24


Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions: or call on 01743 250950

Parenting Support Line Poster 2024 (1)

National Offer Day – Secondary – Friday 1st March 2024

In preparation for National Offer Day on Friday 1st March 2024 please can all year 6 parents check they can access their account on the Parent Portal on Shropshire Council Website Apply for a School Place ( If you cannot access your account or are locked out, please email or phone (01743) 255216 as soon as possible.  A member of  the Admissions Team will look into this and re-set/unlock accounts accordingly.

Quarry Run – Postponed

Unfortunately, the Annual Quarry Run due to take place tomorrow has been postponed due to the forecast rising river levels.

The new date is Wednesday 20th March with exactly the same timings and arrangements.

Friendly Football Match at Baschurch – CANCELLED

Unfortunately, this afternoons friendly football match has been cancelled due to the heavy rain making the ground unsuitable to play.  We will look to reschedule this as soon as possible.

Myddle Muddle 2024

Entries are now open for the Myddle Muddle 2024 Race! This is the key PTA fundraiser of the year, so we’d love for as many people as possible to take part. The 10K, 5K, and 1 mile fun run is a countryside run through fields and woodland. It’s taking place at 10.30am on Sunday, 21st April and everyone’s welcome to take part!

To sign up visit

Thank You Pete!

Next week, we will be saying goodbye to our Caretaker, Pete Bannington. We would like to thank Pete for everything he has done for our school over the past few years, he will be missed by everyone at Myddle Primary.

Absences and Illness

We would like to remind parents that if your child is absent from school for any reason you must let the school office know, before 8.30am. You can report an absence by phoning the school on 01939 290834 and selecting Option 1. Alternatively, you may send an email to

Lots of parents have been reporting absences via dojo.  This is absolutely fine but absences must also be reported to the school office, as teachers do not always see dojo messages straight away.

We would also like to remind you that if your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea, they must remain off school for 48 hours from the last episode.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

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