Dear Tigers,
please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 8 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 15th June) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents will be published later today.
Year 1 – wc 15.06.20
This week’s theme for our home learning project is The Rainforest. I hope you enjoy it!
Tiger Class – Summer Term – Week 8 – Home-Learning-Project-THE-RAINFOREST
White Rose Maths worksheets:
Lesson 1 Make arrays 2020
Lesson 2 Make doubles 2020
Lesson 3 Make equal groups – sharing 2020
Lesson 4 Make equal groups – grouping 2020
Talk for Writing project: “Brians Bear’s Picnic”
Y1 TFW-Brian-Bear
BBC Bitesize:
All relevant documents and worksheets can been found in this post. Alternatively, all links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page daily, where I will be able to answer any queries.
Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe