Dear Parents/Carers
As the Harvest Festival is ONLY next week!
We are urgently looking for donations of goods to make up hampers which we can raffle off at the service to parents. These items can be either food or drink produce which you feel would be appropriate and that you, as a parents would like to win if yours was the lucky ticket.
Please can all donations be passed to the school office and Elaine Downes, PTA Chair has kindly offered to make the hampers up.
School Council pupils will be located on the entrance to school with their raffle tickets to sell and they will also be on sale at the Harvest Festival also. They are £1 a ticket.
All monies raised from this raffle will be donated to a local homeless charity based in Shrewsbury, who have advised school that the donation of cash would be more beneficial to help them purchase items like sleeping bags.
If you have any questions please pop in to school and speak to Mr Glover or Mrs Smith.
Thank you in advance