Collecting and Dropping Off Information/Clarification

Dear Parents/Carers

Please see below the times/procedure for morning drop off & registration.

  • Gates open at 8:45am
  • Morning Registration takes place between 8:45am and 9am, please can we ask you aim to get your child into school for 8:55am at the latest.
  • Gates are closed at 9am
  • If you arrive after 9am, please bring your child to the main reception and sign them in. Your child will be marked down as being late for morning registration.
  • All late marks are monitored by the Education Welfare Officer on a termly basis and takes any necessary action which is required.

Please can we also ask that as the weather is changing and becoming colder that ALL children arrive to school with a coat.

We would also ask that at the end of the school day, children are encouraged by their parents to not use the play equipment. During the school day these areas are monitor closely by staff members but this is not the case at the end of the school day and we are concerned that pupils may get hurt.

Thank you for your continued support.



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